online Fri Jul 16, 2021 - Sun Jul 18, 2021
online 2021 IEA Global Conference
Presented By: Katherine Chernick Fauvre,

Types influence and affect how each of the 9 Enneagram Types form, develop and maintain intimate relationships. It will introduce many significant findings from the first study to the most recent. More specifically, it will cover what has proven to be significant for 26 years.
In 1996, Claudio Naranjo validated the first 1994-1995 Study of the Instinctual Subtypes. In 1998, The Enneagram Types, Instinctual Drives and Intimacy was conducted to more clearly ascertain if the 3 Instincts could be statically validated. This study was university validated in 1998.
The qualitative research of the 23 studies proved to be highly informative as to the internal experiences of the 9 Enneagram Types and 27 Subtypes. The unexpected findings were both validating and intriguing because they came from the 9 types themselves.
Katherine Chernick Fauvre, creator of Tritype®, is an IEA accredited, internationally recognized, author, researcher, teacher and coach. She has conducted 23 Enneagram studies. She is a former member of the board of directors of the IEA, studied directly with both Naranjo and Ichazo, and is certified with Palmer-Daniels, Riso-Hudson and Hurley-Donson. IEA Accredited Professional

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