online Fri Jul 16, 2021 - Sun Jul 18, 2021
online 2021 IEA Global Conference
Presented By: Maura Amelia Bonanno,

Enneagram and Somatic movement is an integrated approach to learning and transformative experience. The original Enneagram teaching pointed out that the ego-type is rooted in our anatomy. The field of somatic concern the human ability to experience the body from within and becoming aware of ourselves. The main principle is that body, emotion and thought are an inseparable continuum, thus the mind is expressed through the body and the body through the mind.
Through specifics somatic practices of embodiment and application of anatomical, physiological and developmental principles we may observe and transform our mental, emotional and instinctual patterns. We may nail down the process of perception by which information are filtered, distorted, generalised, interpreted and acted upon. We discover how before being ordered into words, thoughts and emotions are often felt as pictures and movements. Movement is not just a form of expression, it is also as another sense to perceive the self and the environment. It can also be a pathway to facilitate changes in the relationship between body and mind. Movement patterning influences how we process information, express ourselves and function. Integrated ways of moving, feeling and thinking support the manifestation of higher level of consciousness.
Maura Amelia Bonanno has a degree in Cultural Anthropology and works as counselor and trainer in various professional fields. She studied Enneagram with the leading exponents of the first generation and has a solid training and experience in the somatic field, which she integrates with the Enneagram. IEA Accredited Professional

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