online Fri Jul 16, 2021 - Sun Jul 18, 2021
online 2021 IEA Global Conference
Presented By: Judith Lewis, Mary Linam,

This session will go deeper into the Heart Center and the three heart-based personality styles at points 234. What are the characteristics and functions of our Feeling Center? What are some of the distinguishing features of the 2, 3, 4 personality types?
Judith Lewis is a coach, consultant and founder of Growth Bound. She is a certified Enneagram Coach, certified Team Building Facilitator and holds a Masters Degree in Christian Formation and Ministry. Judith is from Jamaica where she serves as the Managing Director of New Generation Ministries. Instagram: @growthboundja
Mary Linam (She, Her, Hers) is a certified Enneagram teacher and coach providing opportunities that can be found on her website She is a professional member of the IEA and the Arizona Enneagram Association. Mary combines Spiritual Formation and Somatic Practice into her Enneagram work.IEA Accredited Professional

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