This session will go deeper into the Head Center and the three head-based personality styles at points 5, 6, 7. What are the characteristics and functions of our Thinking Center? What are some of the distinguishing features of the 5, 6, 7 personality types?
Milton Stewart, MBA is a Professional Certified Enneagram and Career Coach who works with individuals and companies using the Enneagram to transform lives. He is also the host of Do It For The Gram: An Enneagram Podcast. Prior to his coaching and consulting practice, Milton worked in education. Instagram: @Doitforthegrampodcast / Do It For The Gram: AnEnneagram Podcast
Jerome Wagner, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, therapist and consultant in private practice, and emeritus faculty member of the Department of Psychology and Institute of Pastoral Studies at Loyola University, Chicago. Jerry has offered the Enneagram Spectrum Training and Certification Program nationally and internationally for the past 30 years (www.enneagramspectrum.com). Jerry is an Honorary Founder of the IEA, served on the IEA Board of Directors, was co-editor of the Enneagram Journal, and has been a keynote speaker for numerous IEA Conferences. IEA Accredited with Honor
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