The concept of "self" hovers over our work with the Enneagram - people talk about finding themselves, finding their "true" or "authentic" self and how it is different from their "false" self, etc. But what do we really mean when we talk about the "self"? While this might seem like an abstract and philosophical question, the way we define such terms matters because our definitions and the way we approach these terms shapes our approach to the work we do to grow. This interactive session is part dialogue, part group exploration, and part instruction. The dialogue is between two people from dramatically different backgrounds and worldviews - one with a Western philosophical and scientific point of view, the other steeped in traditional Indian wisdom. They will share how their first exchange of ideas at a conference in Paris led to an ongoing conversation that uncovered unexpected commonalities of perspective. They will explain how the way some people talk about "true" and "false" selves is inconsistent with many spiritual traditions and modern science and can actually impede our work on ourselves. Finally, they will show how rejecting this dualism and adopting an approach of embracing our complex and conflicted nature can be the foundation for growth.
Mario Sikora is an advisor to global business leaders, author of five books on the Enneagram and leadership, CEO of Awareness to Action International, and a former president of the International Enneagram Association. He lives in Philadelphia with his wife and four sons. IEA Accredited Professional
Vibha Gosselin was born in India, where she studied in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and became a teacher trainer in Integral Education. She is a guide and faculty member for EPP and a student of the Gurdjieff work. She lives in France with her husband and two boys. IEA Accredited Professional
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