This session will overview how the Enneagram is a dynamic symbol. How does energy move around the symbol and within its connecting lines? How are core personality styles influenced by -- or constituted by -- their relationship to "wing" and "connecting" points? How can the Enneagram provide a map to help us further integrate our personality styles and offer our gifts to the world?
Mahmoud Fouad strives to empower people through providing programs and tools to shine their true authentic selves-the hero within-, in hope that can raise the well-being of the planet. He is Certified as an ENNEAGRAM, relationship, career, life and leadership coach, and is also a Public Speaker and Professional trainer. www.facebook.com/ENNEAGRAMCOMPASS
Russ Hudson is the author of Sounds True Audiobook The Enneagram: Nine Gateways to Presence and the co-author with Don Richard Riso of five major books on the subject, including The Wisdom of the Enneagram and Personality Types. He has been teaching this work around the world for over 30 years and is a founder of the IEA. IEA Accredited with Honor
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