This panel will feature some of our presenters and mentors on the Discovery Track. We will explore their experience of the Discovery Track and how the Enneagram teachings are best transmitted through time and across generations. What is the role and perhaps responsibility of organizations like the IEA in raising Enneagram awareness across the globe for the next generation of enthusiasts, practitioners, teachers, and coaches? What is the role of social media? We will explore the tension between quantity and quality of Enneagram teachings as they are transmitted to the next generation.
Sarajane Case is an author, podcaster and content creator who helps individuals use their enneagram type to find more balance between self-care & productivity. Instagram: @enneagramandcoffee
Beatrice Chestnut, PhD MA is a licensed psychotherapist, coach, and business consultant. She has a PhD in communication and an MA in clinical psychology. The author of The Complete Enneagram: 27 Paths to Greater Self-Knowledge and The 9 Types of Leadership: Mastering the Art of People in the 21st-Century Workplace, she offers trainings and retreats based on the Enneagram internationally through the Enneagram school she co-founded with Uranio Paes, Chestnut Paes Enneagram Academy. IEA Accredited with Distinction Professional
Vanessa Fernandez - As a writer, speaker and coach, Vanessa's approach to the Enneagram is to communicate clearly so as to create a deep understanding of the healing power of the Enneagram. Vanessa also focuses on thoughtfully crafting language that is inclusive and expansive in her teaching and coaching practice. Instagram: @theenneagramworkshop
Mario Sikora is an advisor to global business leaders, author of five books on the Enneagram and leadership, CEO of Awareness to Action International, and a former president of the International Enneagram Association. He lives in Philadelphia with his wife and four sons. IEA Accredited Professional
Milton Stewart, MBA is a Professional Certified Enneagram and Career Coach who works with individuals and companies using the Enneagram to transform lives. He is also the host of Do It For The Gram: An Enneagram Podcast. Prior to his coaching and consulting practice, Milton worked in education. Instagram: @Doitforthegrampodcast / Do It For The Gram: AnEnneagram Podcast
Russ Hudson is the author of Sounds True Audiobook The Enneagram: Nine Gateways to Presence and the co-author with Don Richard Riso of five major books on the subject, including The Wisdom of the Enneagram and Personality Types. He has been teaching this work around the world for over 30 years and is a founder of the IEA. IEA Accredited with Honor
Rev. Trent Thornley
Rev. Trent Thornley is the Executive Director and CPE Director of the San Francisco Night Ministry. He is a Certified Educator with the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE). Trent uses the Enneagram in the CPE training of emerging spiritual leaders, and he is the creator of livingenneagram.com. He is an ordained minister of the Metropolitan Community Churches and an ordained Buddhist Dharma Leader in a Tibetan Nyingma lineage. Trent is an IEA Accredited Professional and Secretary of the IEA Board of Directors.
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