Relationships are central to our lives and can be the source of our happiness or sadness, but nurturing them can be hard work. In this session we will present a model of understanding relationships – those at home or those at work – through the Lens of the Instinctual Biases of the Enneagram.
Not only the nine Ennea-types provide an understanding of the different ways we approach life and hence relationships - the three Instinctual Biases help us understand the things we value in life over others, and that when people have different dominant Instinctual Biases their priorities differ:
- Preservers are focused on "nesting and nurturing" and on ensuring that fundamental survival needs are met for things like food, water, clothing, shelter, and overall safety from harm.
- Navigators are focused on "orienting to the group" and on building alliances, creating trust and reciprocity, and understanding how oneself and others fit into the group.
- Transmitters are focused on "attracting and bonding" and on passing genes, beliefs, values, interests, and worldview to others in order to make them carriers of that information.
Understanding the instinctual Biases helps us to understand why we may get along with some people but have conflict with others, and we can use the simple-but-deep Awareness to Action Process with the Instinctual Biases to build on common ground, nurturing our relations by consciously create change in our narratives about them and our behaviors.
Tamer Zanaty is an Executive Coach, accredited Professional by the IEA and the ICF. He brings more than 30 years of experience in Multi-Nationals , 7 years of coaching hundreds of executives and Teaching in two Internationally Accredited Enneagram and Coaching Schools he brings a deep understanding and experience in human nature and relationship dynamics. IEA Accredited Professional
Rehab Bakkar is an IT developer/Montessori teacher/ video creator !!! who uses all three professions to deliver a message of how to understand the relationships bugs, the reasons behind conflicts and misunderstandings and thus the malfunctioning. And how that by understanding and fixing these bugs, one can establish better, stronger and healthier relationships.
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