Coming Full Circle: Contemplative Enneagram Weekend
Join us for this contemplative, inter-spiritual weekend immersion
Facilitated By:
Started:  Fri Oct 04, 2024
Ended: Sun Oct 06, 2024 06:00 PM ET 01:00 PM ETVenue Name: 
Holy Family Retreat Center
Address:  303 Tunxis Road, West Hartford, CT, United States

Event description

The nine personality types of the Enneagram are not static categories. Rather, seen from a spiritual perspective, they are portals into our own souls and represent starting points for our conscious evolution.

LEARN about the connecting lines, heart and stress points, wings, the Inner Triangle, the Inner Flow of the Enneagram, and the “Soul Child” within.

DISCOVER and deepen into contemplative practices, such as centering prayer, inner observer, and somatic inquiry, designed to support a life of greater authenticity, inspiration, and soul.

EXPLORE group processes as well as individual reflection practices, and an opportunity to “walk the Enneagram” as a symbol of wholeness and unity.


Facilitator Bio: 

Rev. Nhien Vuong, J.D., M.Div., is an international Enneagram thought leader and keynote presenter who spiritually companions individuals around the globe using a contemplative, compassion-based approach to the Enneagram. An ordained Unity minister, certified Enneagram teacher, and accredited Enneagram Professional, Nhien is the founder of Evolving Enneagram, a community-based business whose interdisciplinary team offers transformational programming to seed and sustain our collective awakening. Nhien is the author of Enneagram of Soul, a 40-day inter-spiritual companion guide with 9 Principles, 9 Practices, and 9 Prayers (to be published by Hampton Roads 2025).

1:1 In-Person Enneagram-informed Spiritual Mentoring sessions with Rev. Nhien
As an option for further 1:1 support during these Enneagram immersion weekends, Rev. Nhien will make herself available for a very limited number of private 1:1 Enneagram “mini” spiritual mentoring sessions during these weekend immersions. More information and pricing will be shared in your confirmation email.

Private Room with Private Bath - $600
Private Room with Hall Bath - $475
Commuter - $375

“More if you can, less if you can’t…”

Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center has a long-standing tradition of making retreats available to everyone – regardless of their financial situation and their ability to pay. If you are interested in this retreat but unable to pay the full offering, please contact our registrar, Ted Jastrzebski at 860-760-9705 for more information.

We also ask that if you are able to make a donation over and above the suggested offering of the retreat, to help support this tradition and those who are less fortunate, we would be grateful for the added contribution.
