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We hear A LOT of opinions about the arrows, a k a the inner lines, of the Enneagram. According to some opinions, the specific directions of stress and integration are…

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A Memoir of Mercy: Life with My Type Six Dad as a Type Four Son My Father was a Type Six, demonstrating many of the tell-tale signs, a community gatherer,…

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My Deeper Journey as a Recovering Type Four Amidst a time of great turmoil, I sought counseling with my future Gurdjieff guide. I was fifteen years sober (the blessing of…

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The Raw Childhood Imprints of the Type Two Marianna, a sensitive Type Two, is drowning in the darkness of her hellish childhood—terrified of her father, terrified of her grandfather. When…

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Re the Enneagram There is an organization called The Flat Earth Society that still exists, with a circle of members surrounding the globe. Through its literature and online presence, it…

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The Gift of the Enneagram These past few years have been tough on all of us. For many of us; a bright light in a world of darkness; has been…

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P.D. Ouspensky, author of In Search of the Miraculous, wrote that in the 1920s he saw a floor layout suggesting that George Gurdjieff, discoverer of the Enneagram, was exploring the…

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I am Gaga Lala (Lala to my grandson). Hudson, my grandson, is my inspiration and so full of life. He was born in 2016. His world has been filled with…

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"I’m not very creative” doesn’t work. There’s no such thing as creative people and non-creative people. There are only people who use their creativity and people who don’t. Unused…

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Casais felizes, amigos em festas sorrindo, profissionais sendo reconhecidos... somos diariamente bombardeados com imagens nas redes sociais e na vida "real". É…

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For more than 800 years Western universities have successfully built specialized disciplines based on empirical and deductive reasoning in the Aristotelian tradition, which has eclipsed the exercise of speculative…

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The French writer André Malraux once asked an old priest what he had learned about human nature after having spent a lifetime hearing people’s confessions. The priest replied: “Fundamentally, there…

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Fall Greetings! Our September Newsletter is from Enneagram Author and IEA/Great Lakes President Clare Loughrige. We hope you enjoy a small sample of her work with Harmony Triads and Transformation.…

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Art mirrors the soul. Our subconscious floats to the surface of the canvas (or sculpture, performance art, etc.) and reveals what was previously hidden. As such, art can be a…

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Our Enneagram Type is around 50% nature, and 50% nurture. Our genetic heritage is like a seed, and it evolves…

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