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Abstract: What would it mean to you if you were to realize that two different personality systems in different languages were independently developed at different times in different…

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My first impression of Mona Coates was at an IEA conference some years back. I did not attend her workshop myself, but was in the room next to…

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Abstract: Thomas Merton is a world-renowned writer and much beloved figure who has served as exemplar and guide to generations of American Catholics and to contemplatives of all…

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There are several congenial correlations between the nine styles of the Enneagram and the eight personality patterns proposed by Theodore Millon, Ph.D. (1969) who is an influential personality…

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"3547165570_06266e1476_o" Spoiler alert: For those of you in the US who may not yet have caught up with the…

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I was out walking late last Saturday evening around the San Diego bay the night before a very early airport departure. About a month ago, I…

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According to Wilhelm Reich, the human body is an energy system that is made up of segments. Energy pulses through the body and is aided by…

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"2630989558_8e7a240feb_b"John Lennon is one of the great icons of rock music…

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It’s an exciting time to be a member of the IEA, and in this article I’d like to expand on what I wrote in the Letter from the President about…

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Como corresponde a una organización vibrante y dinámica, la IEA continúa evolucionando en la misma medida en que evolucionan las necesidades de nuestros miembros.

Nuestra visión…

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Like any vibrant, dynamic organization, the IEA continues to evolve as the needs of our members evolve.

Our vision—a world where the…

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"DavidDavid Bowie (born David Robert Jones, 1947) is amongst the…

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Perhaps the most often quoted story in the world is the story of Adam and Eve. One mystery surrounding the story is about the forbidden fruit.…

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People are wonderful; people are difficult. The Enneagram helps us make sense of both these statements. Learning about the nine personality types opens up our ability…

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It is my personal privilege and pleasure to announce that the IEA Board has elected our President for the years 2013 and 2014. María José Munita will act as our…

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Erratum: The article “Hidden in Plain Sight: Observations on the Origin of the Enneagram” by Virginia Wiltse and Helen Palmer was first published in the 2009 edition of…

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