IEA Denmark
In 2005 the first Danish Enneagram Association was established. In 2006 this association became an affiliate of IEA. Many Danes have attended International Enneagram Conferences, both in the US and Europe. Denmark hosted international Enneagram conferences in 2008 and 2010 with great success.
IEA Denmark strongly supports the vision and mission of IEA. The purpose is to provide extensive knowledge about the Enneagram as well as to help connect Enneagram professionals with people seeking the wisdom of the system. IEA Denmark offers annual conferences, lectures and other activities the purpose of which is to prove a platform for Enneagram enthusiasts, create greater network activities and increase the general level of knowledge about the Enneagram.
The Enneagram in Denmark
The first Enneagram meeting in Denmark dates back to the 1980s. Back then it was often introduced in connection with NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) as NLP teachers were particularly interested in linking the Enneagram with methods of NLP.
Since then the knowledge of the Enneagram has become an independent tool for both individual growth and improvement in the business world. Today the wisdom of the Enneagram is widely spread and a large number of people use it as an effective method for combining personal development with better relations in their professional work.
Important international teachers have presented in Denmark over the last decades, among others Don Riso, Russ Hudson, Tom Condon, Michael Goldberg, Katherine Chernick Fauvre and David Fauvre, Mario Sikora, Ginger Lapid-Bogda, Peter O'Hanrahan, etc. But Denmark also has a good number of skilled, native Enneagram teachers who work with the typology on a daily basis giving professional workshops, trainings, coaching, therapy, etc.
Individuals, Psychologists, coaches and psychotherapists have paid attention to the Enneagram for quite a while and include it in their sessions with clients. The Enneagram provides a good foundation when therapists can help clients identify their core issues and create a space for deeper understanding. Some people use the Enneagram for personal growth in combination with the inner processes of the Diamond Heart Work, and others use the Enneagram in other personal, spiritual practices. The number of people in Denmark who have integrated the Enneagram as a tool for personal growth is unknown. Yet interest and enthusiasm for the depths of the Enneagram is highly valued. An estimated 10,000 people seek knowledge from the Enneagram every year.
The Enneagram model has excited many parts of the business world. Many companies have already employed MBTI, Belbin and other systems. However, an increasing number of businesses find the learnings from the Enneagram of great use because ultimately all businesses involve people and where there are people, an interest often follows in getting a deeper understanding of behavior, motivation, values, etc. The Enneagram provides the frame for development within areas such as human resources, teams, leadership, etc. The need for creating space for the employees to grow and develop is an important factor, and the Enneagram is also used in creating better leadership, teambuilding, coaching, stress management, and as a communication tool. Of course what matters here is the influence on the bottom line: A well run machinery generates more profit than a not-so-well-run. By providing the tools for improved cooperation within the business, the Enneagram influences the final outcome of the business.Traditions and literature, Teachers in Denmark have been educated by a variety of traditions within the Enneagram. No particular school is considered better than another. The typologies of the Enneagram have been applied with many different purposes and are often combined with other tools depending on the aim or wish for result.
Many professionals use the basic knowledge of the Enneagram and create their own niche and add their own experiences and research to their trainings.
Several books have been published by Danish authors on the Enneagram. In addition several of the more important works on the Enneagram have been translated into Danish. However as foreign language lessons - and mainly English - are part of the Danish educational system from primary school on, many people still benefit from reading the literature in English and attend trainings in English.