Interviewing is more than matching candidates to a list of necessary job skills. It should be an opportunity to allow the interviewee to demonstrate his/her best qualities and how they will be maximized in the position requested. An insightful interviewer chooses the very best candidate for the job. This seminar presents a strategy to increase the quality of the interview. Participants will practice using the insights of the Enneagram and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) as they apply to the dynamics of interviewing.

The Enneagram provides a clear vocabulary and personality analysis of the subconscious motivation of each person. The MBTI explains the conscious, rational preferences a candidate will use in a specific job. Combining the two sets of insights gives a more complete portrait of the interviewee.

Participation in small group dynamics allows ample opportunity to practice objective oversight-interviewing and post-interview techniques in a non-threatening environment.

Patrick O’Leary


2006 IEA Global Conference

Chicago, Illinois, USA

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