This session will examine whether it is possible to manage change through an intervention on Organizational Culture. After exploring and analyzing the concept of culture, it discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the Cultural Change approach and organizations’ inevitable need to know and understand themselves. Using case studies, the presenter will compare the elements that constitute the personality of individuals with those of Organizational Culture, and build a parallel between Enneagram Types and the unconscious factors underlying culture.

Hugo Kruger is owner and manager of HR GROUP CONSULTING. He has conducted Enneagram training programs in business and Universities since 2002, using it as a tool for selfawareness, negotiation, team building and leadership. He is a Psychologist, with a Magister in Organizational Development, and has a Master in Mental health.

He is President of the Chilean affiliate of the IEA and co-author of El Eneagrama en la Organizacion (The Enneagram in the Organization) (Ed. Cerro Huelen, 2005).

Hugo Kruger Droguett


2011 IEA Global Conference

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA

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