As teachers, trainers, coaches, consultants, speakers, and authors, we are solopreneurs and entrepreneurs responsible for the business side of our work. Many of us want to create the business of our dreams, and make a good living doing what we are passionate about. The truth, though, is that being in business for ourselves requires a lot of us, and it can be a constant and daily challenge. To be truly successful as solopreneurs and entrepreneurs, not only do we need to have certain systems in place to build a thriving business, but we also need to have the right mindset and attitude. If we really want to be successful and make an impact, we’ve got to Show Up and Shine. We’ve got to step up our game, be bold, and at the same time, be smart, focused, and stay on track. What it takes to be successful is coded in the Enneagram. The Enneagram can help us to understand why we might be having trouble gaining real momentum in our business, why we often seem to be running in place, and why we are not achieving the growth and profitability that we desire.

In this workshop, we will explore how to use the object relations triads, 147, 258, 369, in a powerful way as a model of how to Show Up and Shine.You will gain a new perspective for how to think about the nine points on the Enneagram as a Success Map, thinking about the built-in power of the object relations triadic and how it can guide you to truly Show Up and Shine, and succeed in your business and life. In this interactive workshop, half of the session will be devoted to exploring the success map, and half of the session will be devoted to masterminding in smaller groups and then in a larger group format strategies for success for each person’s personal practice/ business/life.

Dr. Margaret Smith is author of Money: From Fear to Love – Using the Enneagram to Create Wealth, Prosperity, 2011; Co-Founder of Signature Pathways LLC; Certified Riso-Hudson Enneagram TrainerTM; Certified Financial Planner; Certified Integral Coach; Adjunct Professor at Drucker Business School, with a PhD from Harvard University.

Margaret Smith


2012 IEA Global Conference

Long Beach, California, USA

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