Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Fri Jul 31, 2009 – Sun Aug 02, 2009
Program PDF

Displaying 1 - 30 of 49

Fri Jul 31, 2009 Preconference

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

No Recording

Presenter: Helen Palmer

Presenter: David Daniels

Presenter: Peter O'Hanrahan

Presenter: Terry Saracino

This year’s Pre-conference offers new research on key questions that have never found a satisfying answer: Where does the Diagram come from? Why just nine? Why the peculiar star with…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009 Keynote

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Robert Holden

“Happiness is a spiritual path. The more you learn about true happiness, the more you

discover the truth of who you are, and what your life is for.” — Robert Holden,…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

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Presenter: Michael Goldberg

The Enneagram comes alive when it is between two people. None of the types exist by themselves.

At its core, the Enneagram is a tool to focus and frame contrasting positions,…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

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Presenter: Uranio Paes

With case studies, practical examples and new approaches, this presentation aims to answer the following questions:

How can the Enneagram be used in organizations as a tool that goes beyond…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

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Presenter: Mona Coates

The deeper truths about relationship dynamics and the ways people resolve real problems are most apparent in a couple’s upsets, fears, and fights. Coates will present actual cases from her…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

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Presenter: Beatrice Chestnut

Many of us in the Enneagram community have been studying the Enneagram instinctual subtypes for years. In 2004, Claudio Naranjo presented an updated description of the 27 subtypes. Through lecture,…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

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Presenter: Tom Condon

The Meta Model is a powerful language model that has many intersections with the Enneagram. The Model helps you recognize and respond to the language patterns of different Enneagram styles…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

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Presenter: Jessica Dibb

In this workshop, we will explore how each type has characteristic ways of perceiving stress as either crisis or opportunity. We will examine the core essential qualities of the types…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

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Presenter: Ben Saltzman

Presenter: Donna Fowler

Transformational Coaching with the Enneagram helps clients change behavior and reach goals, but it doesn’t stop there. You can also help people understand the deeper drives that move them, and…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

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Presenter: Elizabeth Wagele

Presenter: Ingrid Stabb

Elizabeth Wagele and Ingrid Stabb have uncovered the most important requirements of each type for career satisfaction, based on dozens of interviews over the past two years. Cartoons on the…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Rachel Weeks

Joseph Campbell and the Enneagram adopt a strikingly similar approach to the journey of the human soul and its search for transformation. Campbell’s analysis and observations of ancient and modern…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

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Presenter: Katherine Chernick Fauvre

Presenter: David Fauvre

This interactive, information-packed workshop will introduce the latest research findings on the Tritype. In this session, we will focus on the fascinating descriptions of the 81 Tritype combinations.

With the use…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

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Presenter: Karin Scholz Grace

Presenter: Kevin Martin

Using experiential learning techniques from the Stanford Graduate School of Business, we will explore practices for cultivating and enriching our awareness of the here and now, using each of our…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

No Recording


Presenter: Ranjani Freixo

Khristian Paterhan proposes to the international Enneagram community what he calls “Enneagram mapping”, allowing each person to discover the traces / main types in each Center – Physical, Emotional and…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

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Presenter: Judith MacBrine

The presentation looks at nine of the works of Paulo Cuelho, author of “The Alchemist,” through the lens of the Enneagram and discovers lessons for each Enneatype.

Judith MacBrine is a…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

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Presenter: Deon Oosthuizen

Is the Enneagram just another psychological model, or is there reason to claim that it is scientifically more fundamental than other models? We make a case that the Enneagram is…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

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Presenter: Lucía Inserra

The symbolic and archetypal language that is characteristic of each type guides us toward transcending the ego and becoming more conscious of ourselves in everyday experiences. Life is “the Art…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Agustina Burgo

This workshop is primarily based on one of my pertaining to use of the Enneagram. She has helped in all presentations toward Riso and Hudson Certification in 1977, “The capacities…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

No Recording

Presenter: Joel Ehrlich

Presenter: Leah Ehrlich

The use of the Enneagram will be presented as a personality profile by learning to effectively use the interdynamics of all nine types in addition to reading the instincts from…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

No Recording

Presenter: Mary Ann Riddell-Birkbeck

Presenter: Mark Birkbeck

To have an energetic fun -filled life we need to identify where our energy is being drained. We all want to achieve balance in life, but each Enneagram type has…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

No Recording

Presenter: Jessica Dibb

Breathing is the first and last thing we do in life. Therefore it supports the connection of consciousness / essence / spirit to the body. This Breathwork session is offered…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

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Presenter: Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD

Presenter: Claudine Prune

Learn how the nine different Enneagram styles interact in the work setting by participating in a work-based simulation, then analyzing how the styles relate to each other at their best…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Patrick H. O'Leary

Consultants electing to teach the Enneagram to their clients are often allotted insufficient time to assure the participants can type themselves correctly. This seminar will demonstrate a decades-proven method to…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Michael Goldberg

Presenter: Kathryn Grant

Each of the Enneagram styles is a story that we tell ourselves and others. More than a simple list of personality characteristics, these stories (Gr. mythos) illuminate the core questions…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Russ Hudson

Presenter: David Daniels

Presenter: Jessica Dibb

How do our type structures and the associated drives for security, well-being, and love and the corresponding aversive emotions of fear, anger, and shame / distress play out in greed?…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

No Recording

Presenter: David Burke

Presenter: Katrina Stevens

The Enneagram describes three types of intelligence: Cognitive Intelligence (IQ), Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Instinctual Intelligence (CQ). As a result of a general lack of understanding of these three equally…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Deborah Ooten

Presenter: Ron Esposito

Spiral Dynamics details the ascension of human consciousness in a spiral through two tiers of development, reflecting humanity’s ongoing bio / psycho / social and spiritual evolution. The Enneagram is…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

No Recording

Presenter: Andrea Isaacs

What gets in your way of being happy and at one with your true nature? The frustrations of a day, over-reactions to another, disappointment in plans gone awry are surely…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: David Burke

Presenter: Rachel Weeks

Organizations in both the public and private sector face a multitude of challenges in managing and retaining staff, and managing the impact of changes in senior management and the expansion…

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Fri Jul 31, 2009

2009 IEA Global Conference Presentation

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Presenter: Dr. Delbar Niroushak

Understanding and accepting cultural differences is essential if you want to work around the world and experience working life in different countries. Changing the workplace culture is an ongoing and…

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