The Enneagram describes three types of intelligence: Cognitive Intelligence (IQ), Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Instinctual Intelligence (CQ). As a result of a general lack of understanding of these three equally valid ways of knowing, basic pedagogical practice has been based on a flawed and incomplete understanding of human intelligence and has resulted in a significant misallocation of resources within education systems around the world. This workshop presents a revolutionary way to understand human intelligence, and gives clear and accurate definitions, demonstrations, and applications of each of the three intelligences. The highlight of this workshop will be a panel which will allow participants to describe, in their own words, the three distinct ways of knowing and operating within the world.
David Burke is the founder and current Director of the Australian Institute for Enneagram Studies (AIES). He is completing a PhD integrating the theological and mystical origins of the Enneagram with contemporary psychology. He also works with education and community groups and consults to Australia’s leading government, finance and transport organizations using the Enneagram to inform leadership and organizational development. IEA Accredited Teacher.
Katrina Stevens is an experienced educator, presenter and facilitator of learning with 20 years experience across a broad range of settings. She has been studying the Enneagram with Australia’s pre-eminent Enneagram teacher, David Burke, for a decade, and works with the Australian Institute for Enneagram Studies (AIES) in the development and delivery of its Internship program.