Displaying 126 - 150 of 646

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The sacred nature and dynamics of being privy to the inner life of another human being calls for a certain level of knowledge and skill in creating a safe space…

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While planning and preparing for a workshop I offered in Charlotte, NC at the Charlotte Spirituality Center I was prompted from within to write these enneagram affirmations.  My desire was…

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The problem with the Enneagram…

Well, actually there are several problems as I see it. The most important one is: You can’t undo knowledge once you…

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I’ve been in the Enneagram arena for a really long time now…

I was introduced to the…

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Religion is the path we follow in order to reach the purpose of life.

The theme for the upcoming International…

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""I reached out to Annie Wilde whose Twitter feed, Enneagram Reactions, has gotten much attention from the #millennialenneagram followers. I asked…

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The Enneagram is most often taught as a map of 9 personality types. The 9 types are typically displayed clockwise from 1 to 9 around a…

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Those of us who want to identify our Enneagram types correctly, as well as those of us who guide others, have a common intention: accuracy! But too often, one phrase…

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Author Annie Dillard once wrote, “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”

An important question of the human experience is: What do…

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Those of us who want to identify our Enneagram types correctly, as well as those of us who guide others, have a common intention: accuracy! But too often, one phrase…

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A group of university researchers found that when a speaker ascribes qualities to another person, a listener will automatically unconsciously attribute those characteristics to the speaker. They called this…

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Those of us who want to identify our Enneagram types correctly, as well as those of us who guide others, have a common intention: accuracy! But too often, one phrase…

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Those of us who want to identify our Enneagram types correctly, as well as those of us who guide others, have a common intention: accuracy! But too often, one phrase…

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I when I hear someone cramming every behavior into an Enneagram box. It feels dehumanizing at best and aggressive at worst. As a teacher, I feel protective of the…

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Mario Sikora-Working with the Instinctual Biases and Subtypes: A Practical and Modern Approach

Workshop Details:  Join Mario Sikora for a fresh, innovative, and science-friendly perspective on the three instinctual domains…

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Sevenish pain control is a kind of sublimation and, when Sevens reframe away their pain, it still goes somewhere. While pain is not exactly a thing or a stored…

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As we celebrate a new year, several ideas stand out in my mind that might have some insight into how we proceed going forward.  I would like to share them…

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The holidays are a time for family gatherings and all of the joys and tribulations that come with them. I am fortunate–I like my family, and our all-too-infrequent gatherings are…

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See review below ?

Download the E-book -free through 12/21- 12/25!

During Book Launch!

Happiest Holidays!

Here’s the…

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Those of us who want to identify our Enneagram types correctly, as well as those of us who guide others, have a common intention: accuracy! But too often, one phrase…

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I was witnessing a Two panel recently and the inquiry was about support.  What helps?  A young man made a distinction that I really took to heart as a fellow…

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When it comes to working with your instinctual biases, there are two things to focus on:

  • Learning to manage our reactions to them rather than being managed by them,…

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Those of us who want to identify our Enneagram types correctly, as well as those of us who guide others, have a common intention: accuracy! But too often, one phrase…

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One Moving Symbol meets another – the Celtic Knot 

When considering the Instinctual Subtypes, there seems to be widespread belief amidst teachers that our stacking or sequencing order is relatively…

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The three instinctual biases–Preserving, Navigating, and Transmitting–that shape our focus of attention and reaction to basic biological needs also shape the kinds of organizations we create and how we act…

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