Displaying 176 - 200 of 646

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By Chris Heuertz, Clare Loughrige, and Liz Jackson

“It looks like two pentagrams having sex.”

“I’m outta here, they are using new age heresy!”

“I want to know more…

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The Enneagram by 3’s


I first heard about the Enneagram when I was spending time at one of my favorite places in the world.  It’s a cabin on a…

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My colleague Maureen Metcalf hosts a radio show on Voice of America in which she interviews people on topics related to innovative leadership.   Since we collaborated in leadership consulting…

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Utbrändhet, utmattningssymptom, utmattningsdepression..ja, det har många namn och är idag vår största folksjukdom. Först och främst vill vi säga att roten till problemen ligger i ett alltför stressigt och prestationsinriktat…

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Managing Change in the workplace is a necessity!

Change shows up in the work place in a variety of ways; death of co-workers, change in position, someone going through a…

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For everyone who has done any in-depth work with their Enneagram type, it is probably obvious that the language used to describe the Enneagram of Passions has always seemed inadequate…

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Although there are a myriad of approaches to the intelligences of the centers, three overarching principles – Self-Observation, Compassion, and Practice – can serve as guides to the cultivation of…

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Via Enneagram Type

While these practices are tailored to each Enneagram type, embracing each of the practices helps develop flexibility and resiliency during times of transitions.

Type 1

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  • Finding the perfect level on a see-saw.
  • Stacking blocks to make a tower even TALLER.
  • Placing one foot, heel to toe, in front of the other on a narrow…

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IEA GREAT LAKES August 2018 News

Notes from Clare Louridge – President of the IEA Great Lakes Chapter

This has been a wonderful month of discovery. Before the IEA Conference, we…

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Consciousness is the act of awakening to the present moment, being fully alive, aware and observant of any automated ways of being.

At this time in the evolution of humanity, we…

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In July I attended and presented at the International Enneagram Association Global Conference in Cincinnati. I’ve been coming to the IEA conferences on and off for the past ten…

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Understanding the 5 Mindfulness Training’s & Practices of Thich Nhat Hanh

The Buddha spoke of “Four Noble Truths”
•    First Noble Truth: suffering exists

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Relationships of any kind often have moments of difficulties. Many of these difficulties arise from a type of reactivity that occurs in each one of us. Reactions arise from body,…

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Like many of us in the Enneagram community, I have always been open to growth opportunities. As a member of Sandra Maitri’s International Retreat Group since 2010, I have come…

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by Kelly Powell

When I met Sue Lambert, it was over a pixelated, late-night Google Hangout in an attempt to hear a few things about the Enneagram. I was referred…

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As Enneagram and personal development practitioners, we’ve felt the call to bring this powerful growth material out into the world. But how do we let others know about our important…

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In these changing times it is important to develop strategies for staying positive. Because we tend to want things in life to be certain, change can bring stress and unhappiness.…

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Where did all these people come from and why didn’t I know about them?  That was the question I was asking as a first-time attendee at the International Enneagram Conference…

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The word narcissism gets thrown around often. I’ve a friend who’s a physician and she said during her psychology rotation in med school, she was worried she had every pathology…

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The IEA General Assembly of Affiliates and Chapters (GAAC) meets before every annual IEA Global Conference. It includes US chapters and country affiliates from all over the world. To make…

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Enneatype Three describes the sociable, ambitious achiever who, deep inside, feels oddly blank and unloved. Threes have long been told that this type pattern involves a misguided attempt to earn…

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Learn how one woman discovered how to change a negative recurring pattern in her life.

I am humbled by the wisdom that emerges from the clients I get to work with.…

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EPP Guides + The Men of Namur Graduating Pilot Class May 2018


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In May, the Minnesota Chapter of the IEA (MN-IEA) celebrated its 20th anniversary.  Over 65 members attended our celebratory gathering!  The afternoon began with a choice of experiential breakout workshops — Board…

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