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During Book Launch!
Happiest Holidays!
Those of us who want to identify our Enneagram types correctly, as well as those of us who guide others, have a common intention: accuracy! But too often, one phrase…
I was witnessing a Two panel recently and the inquiry was about support. What helps? A young man made a distinction that I really took to heart as a fellow…
When it comes to working with your instinctual biases, there are two things to focus on:
- Learning to manage our reactions to them rather than being managed by them,…
Those of us who want to identify our Enneagram types correctly, as well as those of us who guide others, have a common intention: accuracy! But too often, one phrase…
One Moving Symbol meets another – the Celtic Knot
When considering the Instinctual Subtypes, there seems to be widespread belief amidst teachers that our stacking or sequencing order is relatively…
The three instinctual biases–Preserving, Navigating, and Transmitting–that shape our focus of attention and reaction to basic biological needs also shape the kinds of organizations we create and how we act…
Those of us who want to identify our Enneagram types correctly, as well as those of us who guide others, have a common intention: accuracy! But too often, one phrase…
In Seven Laws of Spiritual Success, Deepak Chopra says “The universe operates through dynamic exchange…giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. And in our…
What we are is God’s gift to us; what we become is our gift to God”
This holiday season I felt I’d bring you some insights…
The Enneagram Effect
by Rosemary Hurwitz, MA.PS
Dear Enneagram friends,
I’ve studied, taught and coached-with the Enneagram since 2002. It had a neon…
Those of us who want to identify our Enneagram types correctly, as well as those of us who guide others, have a common intention: accuracy! But too often, one phrase…
Those of us who want to identify our Enneagram types correctly, as well as those of us who guide others, have a common intention: accuracy! But too often, one phrase…
Enneatype Nine describes the amiable, agreeable person who seems comfortable with the flow of life, yet can resent feeling marginalized within it. Nines are said to have adopted a desperate…
“Among those who dislike oppression are many who like to oppress.” ~ Napoleon Bonaparte
Often, what we dislike most in others reflects the inner-work we most need to explore for…
As we go into the holiday season, the most difficult thing to manage can often be our relationships with one…
I became a Kundalini Yoga teacher as the unintended consequence of a relationship breakup. I first started taking Kundalini Yoga classes to get through that difficult period and a year…
At times, our lives take on a momentum of their very own and we live life at top speed. It is vital that we begin to slow down, take stock…
Type 1: Practice accepting self and others from a place of non judgment. Note: non judgment allows for everything to be perfect in the moment.
Type 2: Practice asking yourself what your…
Enneatype One is known for self-critical perfectionism. While we all find failure painful and can be hard on ourselves when we most need kindness, Ones are haunted by the prospect…
“They will beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks.”
Isaiah the Prophet
Hi friends,
How is it with your soul? Do you feel the effects of…
Like nature, people cycle through distinct seasons. Autumn is the season of “harvest” – it is a time when we turn our attention inward to reflect on what the year…
Type 1
Core belief: I am not accepted unless I am perfect.
Habit: Heavy self-criticism which leads to external criticism
When I first knew Enneagram, it was just some friends who took a module or two and came out telling me that I look like a type 2…
The fall season is approaching and with it comes the need to reflect on how we play and prepare ourselves for this transitioning time of year. This is a time…