The great spiritual traditions, philosophy, and science all share a deep understanding that the human mind is both marvelous and susceptible to illusion. Recognizing this, all three cultivate and employ…
I’m excited to invite an interactive dive into The Language of Life, a name affectionately and respectfully given to the process formally known as “Nonviolent Communication (NVC).” The Language of…
Each Enneagram Type and Instinctual Type has its own unique vocabulary and way of conversing, which when understood, can be very revealing. Enhance your typing skills and learn how to…
Yes, anger is one of the three basic aversive emotions shared by all mammals. And yes it is about violation of our sense of worth and getting what we want…
Our type is a combination of habitual patterns that protect the vulnerable, playful, spontaneous, creative core of who we were truly meant to be! In type, we cannot connect to…
Transformation occurs in conversations when we are able to accept the resistance to change and relate to it with compassion; but speak to and bring forth the essential qualities of…
Poet and author David Whyte says that 50% of our life is saying goodbye. This begs the question, “How are we navigating these losses?” Whether loss is related to health,…
According to the Enneagram model of personality, for each of the nine Enneagram types, there are three instinctual subtypes. This session will describe the three subtypes of all nine types,…
We’re excited to share with you the connections we’ve discovered between the Enneagram’s centers of intelligence and the energetic vitality of essential oils: We call it EnneaEssentials. The parallels between…
The instincts have become more popular and widely understood in the last years, with many approaches being taught and used. In this session, participants will be exposed to the Awareness…
This practical “how-to” conversation is about using your type strengths, while allowing the vibrancy of your true nature to infuse your teaching. You will learn how to bring more presence…
We carry on conversations with ourselves all the time. Sometimes the exchanges are encouraging; sometimes they’re discouraging; sometimes they are downright nasty. Critical voices have a different form and function…
Three Realms, Four Perspectives
How the Dynamics of Instincts/Subtypes Deepen Our Understanding of Enneagram Type
While a map is not the territory it is nevertheless very useful for finding our way. In this panel four “mapmakers” with very different perspectives will share their models of…
The subtitle of Robert Augustus Masters’s book, Spiritual Bypassing, sums up nicely what this panel brings to us: “When spirituality disconnects us from what really matters. Learning to recognize and…
Speaking of Addiction and Recovery
Compelling Conversations with a Panel of Experts in the Enneagram, Addiction and Recovery
The world of addiction and recovery is fraught with beliefs and assumptions. It brings up deeply tender emotions and there can be confusion and reactivity that tests our courage and…
Conscious Communication is a fundamental shift in how we relate to ourselves and others. Rather than acting from preconceived bias, it asks that we actively unearth unconscious fears assumptions and…
One thing that I know for sure is that if you don’t like how you’re feeling (angry, sad, resentful, invisible, grieving, envious, anxious, etc.), it doesn’t have to be that…
The vice to virtue conversion is a spiritual practice that joins two different levels of consciousness. The level of our brain’s conditioned neuropathways that automatically repeat. And a “pure” level…
Improvisational games (improv) are creative, courageous conversations. In their purest form, the dialogue, action, story, and characters are created collaboratively by the players and audience as the improvisation unfolds in…
Giving and receiving quality feedback is a challenge for most of us. Framing difficult feedback in a way that it can be well received is an art. Since the Enneagram…
This workshop provides greater clarity, confidence, connection and vitality in your relational communi-cations. Each Enneatype hears and understands key words and communications in their own special way. We provide effective…
Have you ever watched helplessly as a colleague spouted embarrassing rhetoric or felt sucked into an argument when you asked a reasonable question? The Enneagram offers a way to understand…
Bring your familiarity of your Enneagram type to link up with the principles and skill-set of Nonviolent Communication (“The Language of Life”). Through experiential exercises and discussion groups, participants will…
This presentation will explore the impact of instinctual energy, separate from type, on relationships. Each of us has three instincts (self-preservation, one-to-one and social), but one of these tends to…
A new approach to gender diversity is needed in our society and in our organizations. Despite many “diversity initiatives” advancement in women’s leadership continues to be stalled. People in the…
The basis for the Enneagram model is the idea of Ego and Essence. This is the premise for understanding how to use the Enneagram for growth. The relationship between Ego…
The Undivided Self
A Lively Conversation About the Transformative Power of Releasing Beliefs That Bind Us
“We translate everything, whether physical, mental or spiritual, into muscular tension.” ~ F. M. Alexander
In this fun, active and innovative workshop we will engage in a lively conversation about the…
An Experiential Journey into the Power of the Enneagram for Enduring Personal, Relational, and Collective Transformation in the 21st Century
The Enneagram is a powerful tool for psychological integration, spiritual awakening, and innovative multi-dimensional conversations that transform important personal, societal, cultural and global issues in the 21st century. The sophistication…
Leveraging the Enneagram and Complementary Assessment Frameworks to Optimize Communication and Interpersonal Dynamics
This interactive session will showcase the complementary uses of the Enneagram, DiSC, Myers-Briggs Type Instrument, and Hogan Assessment in the workplace. Participants will determine/self-assess (or review) their styles in each…