online Thu Jul 29, 2010 - Sun Aug 01, 2010
online 2010 IEA Global Conference
Presented By: David Burke,

The Enneagram is a cipher that describes the nature of the cosmos based upon the universal laws of physics and science. Using the latest advances in astronomy, cosmology, and psychology this presentation will reveal the Enneagram as you have never seen it before. Journey through the beauty and mystery of the visible universe as David Burke reveals the laws of the Enneagram within the created symmetry of our cosmos. This presentation will delight and disturb you and is one not to be missed.

David Burke is an internationally acclaimed writer and presenter of the Enneagram. He is acknowledged as the leading researcher of the origins of the Enneagram. David has written two books on the Enneagram and published a brilliant translation of the Tao te Ching. In 1994 he established the Australian Institute of Enneagram Studies which now runs the longest and largest study of its kind in the world. Poet, theologian, skeptic and sage, he is a renowned presenter who both provokes and entertains.

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