Fri Aug 01, 2003

2003 IEA Global Conference Presentation

No Recording

Presenter: Joel Isaacs

Presenter: Anne Isaacs

Enneagram types can be approached from a developmental as well as a psychological perspective. Bodynamic Analysis is a somatic psychotherapy that accesses the history stored in the body and mind. Its Seven Developmental Stages model of childhood growth has correlations with Enneagram types. Varying degrees of resourced or disturbed experience in any Stage will show in adults as specific behaviors, body postures, and motivational themes. The Stages are based on the major psychological themes and physical/ dev elopmental tasks faced by a growing child: Existence, Need, Autonomy, Will, Love/Sexuality, Opinion Forming, Solidarity/Performance. Correspondences with Enneagram types can provide valuable insights towards growth and development.

The presentation will include lecture, demonstrations, and experiential exercises.

Anne Isaacs, LCSW, and Joel Isaacs, Ph.D. have practiced body oriented psychotherapy in Los Angeles for over 25 years. They are both certified Bodynamic Analysts and Trainers of psychotherapists. They have led workshops at Esalen Institute for 20 years. Joel and Anne work with individuals, couples, and groups. Their Bodynamic approach is suited for work with developmental issues, specific life problems, and traumatic experiences. They enjoy bringing more love into the world, and grow from doing it, j i saa od yn a m i cu sa .c om ,