Fri Aug 01, 2003

2003 IEA Global Conference Presentation

No Recording

Presenter: Louise B. Andrew

Presenter: Sarah Beekley

Presenter: Paul Boroff

Presenter: James Campbell

Presenter: David Daniels

Presenter: Peter O'Hanrahan

Presenter: Jennifer Schneider

This panel will consider a broad range of issues involving Enneagram Type and Illness. We will investigate the possibility of any significant correlations between Enneagram types and specific conditions, as well as the effect of type and instinctual variants on manifestations of illness. The significant relationship of Enneagram Type and variants on personal management of illness, as well as transference issues in therapeutic relationships will also be explored. This is largely unexplored territory, and input by attendees with personal or professional interest in the area will be most valued.

A Riso-Hudson trained student, instructor, and life coach with over a decade of Enneagram experience, Louise Andrew is nationally and internationally known for her interest and efforts in personal and professional wellness in physicians, particularly in personal and relationship transformation and self-mentoring using the Enneagram as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool. She can be contacted at . Sarah Beekley, M.D. obtained her B.S. at UC Berkeley and her medical training in Pediatrics in New York. She was a founding member of the NCIEA and co-chaired the 2000 IEA Conference. Paul Boroff is a pharmacist in Southern California. For many years, he owned his own pharmacy and studied the Enneagram as an avocation. His unique work marries the Enneagram’s psychological dimensions with biochemistry to promote a holistic understanding of the system. James Campbell, M.D. received his medical training at Columbia University and UCSF. Having retired from private practice, Dr. Campbell still teaches at UCSF School of Medicine. He has studied the Enneagram since 1994 and has been on several type and M.D. panels. Peter O’Hanrahan has worked with the Enneagram for 25 years, applying it as a counselor and body therapist, and teaching workshops to helping professionals, business groups, and the general public. Jennifer Schneider is a physician specializing in internal medicine, addiction medicine, and management of chronic pain.