Homoeopathy is part of the field of holistic medicine that sees the human being from a global point of view, where physical, emotional, social, environmental, psycho spiritual and energy aspects are considered. The basic premise is that our impulses, our erroneous mental and emotional programming, and the failure to adapt to external stimuli create an alteration in our homeostasis. Knowing the patient’s basic patterns, his vulnerabilities, the degree of his inadaptability, and his defense mechanisms helps us find the right remedy. The Enneagram allows us to situate the individual in view of his basic susceptibilities and to forecast possible compulsions that may generate different morbid dynamics.
Maria Jesus Balbas is a Doctor of Medicine, specializing in Gynecology and Obstetrics. She has worked as a homeopath since 1984 and is trained in Brief Psychotherapy, Gestalt, and Transactional Analysis. As a University Professor, she serves as Director of the Homeopathy master’s program at the University of the Basque Country. She trained in the Enneagram with Arnaldo Pangrazzi.