Fri Aug 06, 2004

2004 IEA Global Conference Presentation

No Recording

Presenter: Mary Ann Giordano

Focusing is a simple, gentle way to use the body’s wisdom to get “unstuck” and change. This workshop will briefly describe focusing, demonstrate with several participants how focusing honors the “stuck” place of each person’s Enneagram passion as the unique road to spiritual transformation, and present an overview of each type’s spiritual patterns. Participants should have a working knowledge of Enneagram type.

Mary Ann Giordano is a teacher, spiritual director, certified clinical counselor, and a Ph.D. candidate in pastoral counseling. Her dissertation compares the Enneagram with the Neo-Pi-R Personality Test. Mary Ann has used the Enneagram for 20 years in private practice, workshops across the country, retreats, spiritual direction, education and mental health arenas. She has also used the Enneagram for team building in mental health and personnel settings.