Most of us originally discover the Enneagram as a typology, but more profoundly, it is a map of wholeness and a way of recognizing and investigating different aspects and dimensions of our inner experience.
George Gurdjieff brought the Enneagram symbol (and many of its principles) to the modern world in a teaching he called”The Fourth Way”–a method of approaching self-realization that involves working with all three Centers (head, heart, and belly) simultaneously. But these Centers must be understood in a right way. Real inner work requires a direct experience of being fully awake in the Centers versus having a vague idea of their automatic expressions when we are identified with the personality. Ultimately, the Enneagram helps us see the ways we lose ourselves in the personality–and thus lose contact with the present moment and with reality itself. Only by profoundly seeing and understanding this, can we be transformed. The session will focus on the exploration of the interface between ego consciousness and the realms of freedom and vastness that are our True Nature.
AND Research Findings from a Breakthrough Study on the Validity of the Enneagram
Due to a last-minute availability of new research findings, the final part of this session will be devoted to presenting the results of a breakthrough scientific study of the Enneagram System of Personality Types recently conducted in the UK by Dr. David Bartram and a team of psychologists and psychometric experts. We will review the findings from this study, which provide strong statistical evidence for the validity of the Enneagram system as a genuine assessor of personality types.
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