Thu Jul 31, 2008

2008 IEA Global Conference Presentation

No Recording

Presenter: Jessica Dibb

Presenter: Russ Hudson

Throughout history, human beings have yearned to be one with their True Nature. To this end, they have created many practices to reach their full potential, and to integrate their deeper realizations into daily life.Yet, for all the beauty and wisdom of these practices, the invitation to awakening is often not fully realized. One reason for this is that our personality generates an orientation toward practice that ends up using any genuine openings to Essence for the ego’s purposes. The Enneagram is remarkable in its ability to show us the core fixations and tendencies that repeatedly usurp the fruits of our inner work. Understanding this helps us find the real power in a practice.

In this highly experiential session, Jessica and Russ will guide participants in fundamental practices. They will explain three simple points of awareness that can be used in any personal practice to support its being truly holistic and integral. We will learn each type’s mistakes of orientation toward practice, and one thing each type can do to prevent the ego fixation from co-opting our breakthroughs. Having explored right orientation to practice, there will be questions and answers and dialogue to support integrating the teachings of the workshop.

Jessica Dibb is founder and Spiritual Director of Inspiration, a nondenominational consciousness school that promotes personal, relational, and planetary wholeness. For 23 years she has created Breathwork and Psycho-spiritual trainings, and also trained practitioners in these modalities. These multidisciplinary trainings assist people in awakening and cultivating the unfolding of consciousness through all stages of life, from conception and birth through death. She uses Integrative Breathwork, the Enneagram, psychodynamic principles and wisdom teachings from many lineages to facilitate embodied awareness of each moment. Jessica is Co-director of the International Breathwork Training Alliance, the chair of its Ethics Committee, and a founding member of Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute.

Russ Hudson is one of the most innovative thinkers in the Enneagram world today, bringing a long-standing involvement in the Gurdjieff Work and the Ridhwan School.