The intent of this lively interactive coaching dialogue is for participants to experience real time quantum leaps in awareness that translate into life enhancing results. In the quantum world “context is everything.” How do we view our immediate opportunities and intentions from the broad and awakened perspective blending QuantumThinking, planetary energies, and the wisdom of the Enneagram? Dianne and Alan will offer coaching to spontaneous requests from participants – on any topic from personal relationships to business “next leaps” to how to think newly and effectively on global and humanitarian issues. Dianne will offer specific insight regarding the cyclical energies of this important and amazing evolutionary time and guidance on how to use the energy to our greatest advantage. If you are ready to explore and take yourself beyond the limits of what you can envision now – this workshop is for you.
Dianne Collins is a modern visionary, an authority in new world view thinking and the creator and author of the QuantumThink(R) system of thinking, an unprecedented body of knowledge based in the principles of quantum science and universal laws applied as practical wisdom in all areas of life. Dianne’s varied experiences as a Fortune 100 corporate manager, an award winning photographic artist, a video producer, and currently as a consultant to business executives all contribute to her extraordinary gift of originality and the ability to express complex universal subjects in clear and powerful ways that benefit people instantly. Dianne is a graduate of the University of Miami in Philosophy and Psychology and a lifelong student of Siddha Yoga and all leading edge modalities and models that make life better and more joyful. She is a featured visionary in the book, The Flip (J. Rosen and D. Rippe).Her first book, Do You QuantumThink? presenting the QuantumThink(R) system to general audiences will be published in 2009.
Alan Collins, Master QuantumThink(R) Coach, emanates his natural inclination to have people be successful in all areas of their lives. His exceptional talent and intuitive ability to zoom in directly on what is most significant for people instantly connects them to their power to go forward in living their dreams. His deep appreciation for the value of QuantumThink(R) and his ability to convey it to people in ways that profoundly transform them forever make him a truly gifted master coach of QuantumThinking. Alan has led group programs and coaching sessions with thousands of people of all ages and walks of life and is known by his peers as a “coach’s coach.”
For more than 10 years Dianne Collins and Alan K. Collins have presented QuantumThink(R) with outstanding success to executives, managers, consultants, and staff in the world’s leading companies including Accenture, AT&T, Chase Bank, and Dupont; to leaders and officials in the United States government including the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense and the National Partnership for Reinventing Government under former Vice President, Al Gore; and to entrepreneurs, small business owners, and individuals worldwide.