Self-Mastery means truly accepting who you are at this point in your development journey, then working toward even higher levels of self-development and growth. This session involves assessing your selfmastery level based on the self-mastery model from the chapter “Strive for Self-Mastery”in Ginger LapidBogda’s new book, What Type of Leader Are You?, followed by a series of self-development activities from Gestalt awareness training. These experiential exercises will be followed by a provocative and intense self-development process using the tool,”Extreme Growth: the Development Journey.”This session is intended for everyone interested in self-development – leaders, non-leaders, people new to the Enneagram, and those who have been using the Enneagram for many years.
Ginger Lapid-Bogda, Ph.D. has been an organizational consultant and trainer for over 35 years, working with Fortune 500 companies, professional service organizations, and non-profits. Her two books, both published by McGraw-Hill, describe how to use the Enneagram effectively in organizations — the best-selling Bringing Out the Best in Yourself at Work (2004) and the recent What Type of Leader Are You? (2007). Ginger has also taught at UCLA, USC, and Sonoma State University and is a member of NTL and the OD Network. Through her two Train-the-Trainer programs based on each book, Ginger teaches trainers, consultants, and coaches around the world how to use the Enneagram in organization to improve interactions at work and to enhance leadership capabilities. Her books have been translated into over 9 languages.;
Ruth Landis is a certified Body-Psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, Enneagram teacher, and Reiki master who utilizes body/mind techniques for greater awareness, presence, relaxation, and stress reduction, as well as for working with trauma, chronic disease, and anxiety. Ruth has conducted workshops and trainings throughout the United States using the Enneagram in working with issues such as image development, teamwork, sales and communication, conflict, feedback, self-mastery, creativity, and performance. In addition, she works as a coach and consultant to executives and CEO’s of major corporations, public speakers, newscasters, lawyers, and professors.