Based on over twenty years of research, thousands of Enneacards Test results, hundreds of `in-depth inquiry’ coaching sessions and the weekend workshop, On All Fours, this introductory presentation will focus on the needs and concerns of the Enneagram Type 4: The Romantic Individualist.
Learn why people mistype themselves as type 4 more than any other type.
Learn what brings 4s to their greatest spiritual and psychological health.
Learn how 4s can open to their natural sense of origin and create inner resources.
Discover techniques that enable 4s to transcend shame and painful self-consciousness.
Discover the differences between the nine Tritype combinations of Type 4.
Observe panel interviews with the Instinctual Subtypes and Tritypes of 4.
This session will address how 4s see themselves, how they can be teachers to one another and build self-confidence. Learn why Fours are one of the most loved, hated, confusing, and misunderstood types on the Enneagram.
This presentation is recommended for 4s, those in relationship with 4s, those who have 4 in their Tritype, wing or line of connection, and coaches and therapists. All types are welcome.
David William Fauvre, M.A. is co-founder of Enneagram Explorations and He is an internationally recognized Enneagram author, teacher and researcher. He is cocreator of the Enneagram Enneacards Test used by thousands of individuals, teachers and coaches worldwide.
David is a certified teacher with Riso-Hudson and Byron Katie. David attended the Barbara Brennan School of Healing and has a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology from the CIIS.
Katherine Chernick Fauvre, co-founder of Enneagram Explorations, is an internationally recognized teacher, author, researcher and coach. Her groundbreaking research with the Instinctual Subtypes and Tritype along with her innovative `Indepth Inquiry Process’ has made her a leader in the field.
Katherine is a certified teacher with Palmer-Daniels, RisoHudson and Hurley-Donson. She is co-creator of the Enneacards Enneagram Test and is the author of Enneastyle: The 9 languages of Enneagram Type and The Enneagram Instinctual Subtypes.
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