Thu Jul 28, 2011

2011 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Audio Recording

Presenter: Joan Mitchell

“The qualities within our own Essence are Divine Attributes. It is because the Divine Compassion exists to reveal itself to us that there exists the possibility of knowing the infinite by knowing ourselves and of knowing the particular divine Attribute we most exemplify.” Living Presence: Kabir Helminski

To know our Self it is vital that we uncover the soul’s true purpose buried beneath ego personality. The Enneagram is an invaluable key for opening the `doors of perception’ that lead us from the personal world view of ego to the transpersonal perspectives of integral consciousness.

Divine Attributes are the essential elements of consciousness that give form to transpersonal perspectives and provide purpose to our soul. Knowing the `particular Divine Attribute’ your soul embodies opens up a whole new perspective of Self and the world; a perspective that results in greater freedom, joy, and understanding of others and the world we live in. In this workshop we will use meditation, discussion and interaction to discover how the Divine Attributes can play out in your life.

Divine Attributes are not to be confused with the Holy Ideas or Holy Virtues.

Knowing your personality type is the only requisite for this workshop.

Joan Mitchell, Gestalt therapist for thirty-five years, combines evolutionary theory, meditation and Divine Attributes of consciousness framed within a thorough knowledge of the Enneagram to create a fresh approach for spiritual wisdom. She is provocative, dynamic, supportive, and utterly realistic; a person whose life and teachings are inseparable.

Audio Recordings
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