Thu Jul 28, 2011

2011 IEA Global Conference Presentation

No Recording

Presenter: Russ Hudson

Presenter: David Daniels

Presenter: Jessica Dibb

Carl Jung taught us that by fully embracing the shadow in ourselves or in a situation we can liberate the energy that is imprisoned in the disowned parts of us. Doing this creates a more energized, actualized, and integrated self or situation. As individuals who care about our personal lives, as professionals who want to have meaningful vocation, and as global citizens who want the world to be a better place, we need to ask ourselves some key questions. Knowing its power and efficacy, why hasn’t the Enneagram work infused more into our cultures? Why is it not in every school, workplace, government agency, medical setting, conflict zone, and spiritual path or community? Why isn’t the Enneagram supporting more people’s spiritual and psychological development and awakening?

David, Russ, and Jessica will explore these questions and their relationship to the shadow of the Enneagram in our personal, professional, and community lives. This highly experiential workshop will include didactic, inner inquiry, experiential meditations, panel work, and dialogue.