Thu Jul 28, 2011

2011 IEA Global Conference Presentation

No Recording

Presenter: Luis Miguel Valderrama Ochoa

Based on the Enneagram’s personality typologies, we will submerge ourselves in a world of wisdom that allows us to identify what type of information we must take into account to make a faster transition from our limitations to a fuller life. This is a path that leads to inner peace, happiness, and a desire to achieve our very best without external factors.

We will also learn the four basic fears: dying, loosing, confronting, and being abandoned, as well as the seven tools of love: serviceadaptation, assumption, acting, accepting, respect, values and thankfulness, and their relationship to the different typologies found in the Enneagram and how it leads to a more productive life.

Luis Miguel Valderrama Ochoa is an industrial engineer with studies in human resources, management and business leadership. He is an Essence Coach with over 15 years’ experience in the human resources field. He is a college professor and counselor in the fields of management and leadership, and author of My Personal Path to God and Personal Growth Handbook.