Thu Jul 28, 2011

2011 IEA Global Conference Presentation

No Recording

Presenter: David Wayne Brown

Presenter: Edward Morler

As our nation works to emerge from the Great Recession, individuals and organizations from many quarters are working to understand the dynamics that created the crisis. But just as important — and undeniably timely — is the pressing need to acquire knowledge about individual responsibility in the accumulation of untenable personal debt. What is plain is that good people often neglect the simple steps to ameliorate debt and suffer resulting credit problems. An enneagram assessment of one’s personality drive can shine light on what has been a long-standing mystery: why so many smart people making good incomes nevertheless have poor credit scores. Some personalities are at greater financial risk than others. The observations, research and conclusions of banker Robert Booth, media executive David Brown, and management consultant Ed Morler will be presented. Primary focus will be on those personalities most vulnerable and of what each, uniquely, needs to be aware of and do to remain credit worthy. This innovative application of the enneagram is detailed in their book, Good People-Bad Credit: What We Need to Know about Personality and Credit to Help Avoid Financial Ruin. Brown and Morler will co-present. David Wayne Brown is the president of Splash Creative, a marketing communications firm. He also is an author, an award-winning filmmaker and former daily newspaper editor (Birmingham Post-Herald and The Commercial Appeal in Memphis). Ed Morler, MBA, PhD is the creator and former host of the radio talk show, What We Need to Know and author of two multiple award-winning books, The Leadership Integrity Challenge and Finally Growing Up. The later integrates the Enneagram of personality with the levels of emotional maturity.