Thu Jul 28, 2011

2011 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Audio Recording

Presenter: Christine King

We are constantly feeling; we are always experiencing an emotion. Thousands of stimuli present themselves to our awareness, second by second; our emotional state influences and sometimes even forces which stimuli we notice and which we overlook. We are usually unaware of this process and the power that our emotions have. Our emotions literally orchestrate a process that either plummet us to our Type’s lower qualities, where we are at the mercy of our stress patterns; or they lift us to the higher levels of our Types and beyond the patterns of our Types. Recent brain research helps us appreciate how emotional choice can impact everything we do. We get to choose our emotions, not be chosen by them. This session introduces Dr. King’s “Emotional Choice Model,” which demonstrates how to slow down our nervous systems and choose emotions that help us access our higher qualities and expand the choices and decisions available to our conscious minds

Dr. Christine King was introduced to the Ennegram in 1970 at the Esalen Institute where she was in residence as a group leader. She has studied with Russ Hudson and Don Riso. Currently she’s an Associate Professor at Barry University, coordinating a MS Program in Organizational Learning and Leadership.

Audio Recordings
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