So we know our type, we know the issues we should work on; now what?
This session introduces a Transformational Model and a structured coaching process to get free of your Type’s fixation and get in touch with your authentic self.
We will practice how to distinguish “Who is talking now”–the Ego or the authentic self? And learn how to conduct a direct dialog between the two.
Usually our Ego speaks loudly and our soul whispers softly, waiting eagerly to be heard. We will expose the way the Ego (our type) lies to us, provides inaccurate information or turns on false alarms. You’ll learn a unique approach to using the Enneagram by actually disarming the Ego and hearing your authentic voice.
This session will include a guided process, practicing in pairs, in type groups, and demonstration of a coaching dialogue.
This workshop is recommended for anyone who is interested in using the Enneagram to get free of the Ego’s hold and especially recommended for coaches, therapists, and consultants.
Osnat Yadgar founder of the Israeli Enneagram Center – a lively Enneagram community in Israel. An enthusiastic Enneagram researcher, she developed a unique method for personal transformation using the Enneagram. She leads public workshops, conducts personal coaching, and provides certification.
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