Thu Jul 24, 2014

2014 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Audio Recording

Presenter: Lisa Morrice

What happens when things fall apart? How do you cope? Deal effectively with setbacks? And resolve conflicts gracefully? In this session, Riso and Hudson’s three Harmonic Groups offer some compelling answers.

Punctuated with music clips, sound bites, and descriptive visuals, this workshop reveals how each Harmonic Group–and all nine types–handle loss. It uncovers the advantages and pitfalls of staunchly defending yourself with your preferred coping style. And shows you how to adopt all three Harmonic styles to skillfully navigate disappointment and disagreements.

You’ll learn exactly how all 9 types react when “the yogurt hits the fan,” including:

What coping strategies each type emphasizes–and ignores.

The hidden agenda behind your strategy–and how to use it to resolve conflict

How each type manipulates feelings to deal with stress.

How to use your main defense mechanism to expand your self-awareness. Somatic exercises, music, and dyads help the information “land” in all three centers–head, heart, and belly. Through self-inquiry work, you will explore how you use your dominant style, and how to incorporate the other two styles, to overcome difficulties and express yourself with greater skill and clarity.

Audio Recordings
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