Fri Jul 20, 2018

2018 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Audio Recording

Presenter: Martin Salzwedel

Leaders who want to be effective and efficient need to develop an awareness of their body language and be as natural as possible. This happens when they play their leadership role in alignment with their personal values. Every attempt to bluff or to make a show is being revealed in LEADERSHIP BY MUSIC and a natural, authentic behavior is practiced until each leader succeeds. In other words the body language is always honest and can’t be faked. Eight participants of LEADERSHIP BY MUSIC spend a whole day conducting a professional orchestra as part of a leadership development program with a strong focus on the enneagram. The non-verbal communication makes it possible to recognize the enneagram styles and their different strategies performing specific leadership tasks.

There will be video and music examples of different leadership exercises with the orchestra. I will also present possibilities how music can be an integral part of leadership development and coaching. Without an orchestra in the seminar room the workshop participants can experiment with some of the conducting exercises with me playing the cello. So the participants experience the connection of their body language and their personality with the immediate feedback in sound not words!

Audio Recordings
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