Thu Jul 25, 2019

2019 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Audio Recording

Presenter: Ingrid Stabb

When Millenials express outrage about “microaggressions,” one might wonder whether our culture is becoming stiflingly politically correct. However, we learn how our lack of awareness may be like back when no one questioned cigarette smoking inside offices, restaurants and airplanes. Microaggressions take their toll over a lifetime, leading to problems such as anxiety, lowered self-esteem and physical symptoms.

A 2018 McKinsey study reveals that 27% of men have their judgment questioned in their area of expertise. 26% of White women are addressed in a less-than professional way when serving in professional roles. 22% of Asian women are mistaken for someone at a much lower level. A whopping 42% of African American women must provide more evidence of their competence than others do.

This session delves into how microaggressions affect each panelist differently based on Enneagram type. For example, a Three might work harder to prove herself while a Four might blame himself. We’ll hear how panelists draw from strengths of their type to handle situations professionally and heal old wounds. Small groups discuss their own recollections of microaggressions and uncover the strengths of their own types to guide them to more rewarding interactions with others.

Audio Recordings
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