Thu Jul 25, 2019

2019 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Audio Recording

Presenter: NHIEN VUONG

At the triadic intersection of conscious community, the Enneagram, and contemplative practice, a sacred space can be created for not only catalyzing personal growth and spiritual awakening but also for living a transformative way of life.

In this interactive session, you’ll learn how to facilitate circles of trust among individuals with varying spiritual backgrounds. You’ll discover how these facilitated circles are rendered “safe” and trustworthy via group agreements that include confidentiality, no “cross talk,” no interrupting others, and no unsolicited advice-giving. Additionally, you’ll gain insight on how those sacred circles can be deeply informed by Enneagram teachings in order to create an Enneagram-literate community that is increasingly self aware and compassionate. Finally, you’ll learn how incorporating contemplative practices, such as centering prayer (aka “Divine Therapy”) and welcoming prayer, into the community gathering supports the healing and transformation of every person involved.

In this participatory session, you’ll have the opportunity to not only to learn about but also ENGAGE in a Contemplative Practice & the Enneagram (aka CPE) (model) practice group. This will include a time of meditation, facilitated group sharing, and an opportunity for debriefing your experience.

Audio Recordings
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