Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference on-demand

Video Recording

Presenter: Victoria Cadarso

This presentation will address the correlation between the Enneagram types and their predominant Relational Needs and the correlation of Basic Life Scripts with the triads.
The Relational Needs are based on Richard Erskine's (Integrative psychotherapist) work where he describes 8 relational needs and to which I have added the 9th (with his consent) in order to correlate each enneatype with a predominant relational need.
- Need for security
- Feeling valued
- Feeling accepted
- Mutuality
- Self definition
- Making an impact
- Initiating
- Expressing care and affection and the need for respect
The Basic Life Scripts are based on Transactional Analysis and specifically on Claude Steiner's Book "Scripts People live" where he concludes there are 3 Basic Life scripts which I will correlate with the triads:
Lovelessness or no love script (Depression)
Mindlessness no Mind script: (Confusion/Madness)
Joylessness or No joy Script (Substance Abuse)
I will present the theory with power point and provide written material to participants so they can identify themselves individually. Then they will contrast their finding in breakout groups by triad and enneatype, followed by Q&A.
Victoria Cadarso is a licensed integrative psychotherapist trained in Gestalt, Client Centered, Psychodynamic, Energy Psychology, Somatic Experiencing and more, with 30 years experience practicing in Madrid - Spain. She has studied the Enneagram since 1992 Certified with the Enneagram Institute in 2009, founding member of Spanish Association. Author of 7 books (3 include the enneagram). IEA Accredited Professional

Video Recordings
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