Join us March 26 for the Roseville Enneagram Discussion Group
The Roseville Discussion Group will meet on Wednesday, March 26,…
Marts føles anderledes i forskellige dele af verden. På den nordlige halvkugle ankommer foråret langsomt efter en kold vinter, især i…
March feels different in different parts of the world; in the northern hemisphere spring is slowly arriving, after a very cold…
As you learn more about the Enneagram you’ll notice that while you have a distinct core personality style, you will occasionally react as though you have another one altogether. Other…
A man approached me some years back at the IEA conference in Atlanta and complimented me on the book I had recently coauthored. He then asked me to read something…
Your dominant Enneagram style also has a relationship to its neighboring styles, called wings. If Four is your core style, you will have an intuitive built-in connection to both Three…
Now is the time to register for our April 12 workshop with Jerry Wagner, Nine Lenses on the World: Using…
At our March meeting, we will conclude our exploration of the three Harmonic Triads. Debbi Horton will explore The Human…
Each Enneagram style has three further suborientations called subtypes, related to three realms of life – survival or how we take care of ourselves, the realm of close relationships, and…
Southside Enneagram Discussion Group – Tuesday March 4, 7-8:30 p.m. – Notice new location!
We are…
Nines may be motivated to change for a variety of reasons. Presenting problems to counselors can include: depression, procrastination, lack of focus, a sense of dispossession, addictions, problems in relationship,…
Southside Enneagram Discussion Group – March 4th Meeting
Co-led by Karin Grosscup and Stephanie McGovern, members of the MN-IEA Board.
Join us February 26 for the Roseville Enneagram Discussion Group
The Roseville Discussion Group will meet on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. This month we will…
Please mark your calendar for the March 13th meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the IEA. We will conclude our series about the Harmonic Triads. Debbi Horton will explore “The Human…
Now that we’ve shared abbreviated life stories from our forthcoming book on transformation with the Enneagram, C.J. Fitzsimons and I thought…
Eights may be motivated to change for a variety of reasons, among them: boredom, a desire to help other people, a shock of recognition when the outer world reflects their…
Registration is now open for Dr. Jerome Wagner’s workshop on April 12 at the Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave, St Paul, MN.
Full details are available at our website by…
Sevens may be motivated to change for a variety of reasons, among them: boredom, feedback from others, problems with commitment, weight loss or substance abuse, problems with impulse control, because…
Anxious Sixes are often motivated to change because of the intensity of their fears and because of the sheer number of behavioral limits they endure when hostage to their fears.…
This ninth life story from the forthcoming book co-authored by C.J. Fitzsimons, is condensed from an interview with a Nine. In the book there will be eighteen life stories, two…
Dans le monde des idées, mon amour pour l’Ennéagramme n’a d’égal que celui que je porte à l’œuvre du grand philosophe écossais David Hume. Désigné par l’Encyclopédie de…
Most of us believe that we are good listeners. And many of us don’t feel heard. So where might…
Fives may be motivated to change for a variety of reasons usually rooted in fear and potential loss – of people, time and opportunities. Explaining why he sought counseling one…
Southside Enneagram Discussion Group – February 4th Meeting
Join us to discuss clearing up common misconceptions and stereotypes of our types. Since we can only see behaviors and not inner…