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Il existe différents points de vue à propos des centres et de la façon dont ils se rapportent aux neuf points de l’Ennéagramme. Nous aimerions explorer les centres à travers…

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This fourth life story, from the forthcoming book co-authored by C.J. Fitzsimons, is condensed from an interview with an Enneagram Four. In the book there will be eighteen life stories, two…

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Four is one of what I jokingly call “nature’s Enneagram styles.” In extreme old age people often slow down, grow laconic and mellow; turning Nine-like, no matter what their true…

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Protective Mechanism of the Four: Hiding Out in My Imagination & Intensity

The Type Four protects himself and his shame-filled heart (“I’m a nobody…I have no significance”)…

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Every four years the Olympic games convene somewhere in the world. Although usually described as a pan-national event, in which athletes from every culture gather to compete, that description is…

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The Individualist, – The Sensitive, Introspective Type

The Healthy Four

Thomas came into recovery eight years ago. He was a 30-year-old-heroin addict and alcoholic and homeless, not a penny to…

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I once heard of an incident on a subway in New York City. A small elderly woman was riding home chatting pleasantly with the people around her. At one stop…

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This third life story, from the forthcoming book co-authored by C.J. Fitzsimons, is condensed from an interview with an Enneagram Three. In the book there will be eighteen life stories, two…

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"headshot"While the Enneagram has long been a tool for personal and relational development, it is only recently that its transformative abilities…

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"MelanieAs a young adult who has studied the Enneagram for seven years, I believed myself to have an in-depth understanding…

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"TomYears ago I saw a television program about a convention of people who were skeptical of paranormal phenomena. The group…

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What it Mean to Become Conscious

When an individual is living at level 5 or below they are living in a state of unconsciousness. (This doesn’t mean they don’t have…

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"TomI once spent a week at a resort hotel on a remote part of the Oregon coast. It rained every day…

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"MichaelWhen the Lights Go Out 

When individuals drop to Level 7 and below, they are fully leaving the track of…

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"MaryThis second life story from the forthcoming book co-authored by C.J. Fitzsimons, is condensed from an interview with a Two. In…

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"Mario"Humans have an uncanny ability to detect patterns: Two dots and a crescent are not just two dots and a crescent,…

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The Gut Triad-Types Eight, Nine, and One

Eight, Nine, and One are the types that make up the gut center triad. The underlying emotion associated with the gut center is…

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"TomAn Eight male who once tended bar recalled a time when a young patron insisted that he didn’t need to…

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"MichaelGoing on Automatic Pilot

At the Average levels of development (Levels 4 to 6), when an emotional trigger is touched…

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The Heart Triad-Types Two, Three, and Four

Two, Three, and Four make up the heart center triad. The emotion that fuels their drives is grief. Other Enneagram authors also refer…

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"TomIn the Enneagram’s organization, Twos, Threes and Fours form an ’emotional trio’ as do Fives, Sixes and Sevens and then…

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"MichaelThe Levels of Development are a map and guide to greater Presence. Let’s take a closer look.

Awake, Present, and…

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This first life story from the forthcoming book co-authored…

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"lynetteLet’s examine descriptions of each type and how their energy or ‘force field’ feels to the rest of us. In…

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This is a reposting of an article written by CJ Fitzsimons, Ph.D. on his "Enneagram-Journal-Cover_vol"…</em

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