Displaying 551 - 575 of 646

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Abstract: This article presents proof that the Enneagram topology constitutes a map of the human psyche. The significance of this finding is that it elevates the Enneagram from…

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Introduction: It is often said that the Enneagram is rooted in ancient wisdom traditions, and these roots are often touted as one of the reasons why the Enneagram…

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Mortificatio, Killing Ego Attachments

Mortificatio—killing or dead-making, consciously working on reduction of ego attachments; in Jungian terms ‘bringing home’ our projections, going inside ourselves to embrace the shadow so our…

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"MarySolutio, Releasing Buried Emotions

Solutio uses the purifying and dissolving properties of water to return to its most basic state…

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First published in Enneagram Monthly, October 2011

"MaryOur collective predicament depends much on individual human transformation…

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The Enneagram is such a rich and complex map of personality that we could spend a lifetime studying its every nuance. And therein lies the rub. The wealth of discoveries…

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The future of leadership development will not be about building “horizontal” capability – that is, the skills, abilities and behaviours needed to lead others. What has become obvious in current leadership…

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“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

Leonardo Da Vinci


“Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the…

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"IEAEntre os dias 24 e 26 maio de 2013, realizamos nosso I Encontro de Associados, em…

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by Lucille Greeff and Dirk Cloete

There are different opinions regarding the centres and the way in which they relate to the nine Enneagram points. We would like to explore…

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"MichaelSo we see that the enneagram gives us a clear map of the different dimensions of spiritual…

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"WelsbyThe Enneagram of Being

We can regard the Enneagram of Being as the primary differentiation of…

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"Moran_3_101659839_e3eda5cdb" in  March this year. 

Child Origins: A good and pretty boy who made things in order to…

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"DSC02974"The nine dimensions of the spiritual reality of Being and their relationship to the enneagram types.



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Tres semanas atrás tuve el lujo y el placer de asistir a la Conferencia Europea de Eneagrama…

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Three weeks ago I had the luxury and pleasure to attend the 2013 IEA European Conference in…

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"JerryWagner012If we determine that the cost: benefit ratio of following the idol of our personality is not…

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Ones want to be good. They want to realize all their potentials and be all they can be.…

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"join_iea2"Like any vibrant, dynamic organization, the IEA continues to evolve as the needs of our members evolve.

Our vision a world…

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Gontxu Morán

There’s a song from the Spanish group Vetusta Morla, the refrain of which is: “Disguising, Seducing, Becoming Handsome For You.” Nothing seems more appropriate to explain the dilemma…

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"Munita__Maria_Jose-small"Estoy sentada frente a un gran ventanal mirando como se pone en sol en el océano Pacífico mientras escribo esta carta.…

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I’m sitting in front of a big window watching the sunset over the Pacific while I write…

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The Enneagram has been an extremely useful tool in bringing people together to understand themselves and each other. When I first learned about the Enneagram, I fell in love with…

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"2949435839_8d6e19a284_o"Expanding on the presentations to the IEA in Madrid in February 2012 Enneagram: Vitamin of the Soul”, and to…

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