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It’s an exciting time to be a member of the IEA, and in this article I’d like to expand on what I wrote in the Letter from the President about…

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Como corresponde a una organización vibrante y dinámica, la IEA continúa evolucionando en la misma medida en que evolucionan las necesidades de nuestros miembros.

Nuestra visión…

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Like any vibrant, dynamic organization, the IEA continues to evolve as the needs of our members evolve.

Our vision—a world where the…

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"DavidDavid Bowie (born David Robert Jones, 1947) is amongst the…

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Perhaps the most often quoted story in the world is the story of Adam and Eve. One mystery surrounding the story is about the forbidden fruit.…

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People are wonderful; people are difficult. The Enneagram helps us make sense of both these statements. Learning about the nine personality types opens up our ability…

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It is my personal privilege and pleasure to announce that the IEA Board has elected our President for the years 2013 and 2014. María José Munita will act as our…

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Erratum: The article “Hidden in Plain Sight: Observations on the Origin of the Enneagram” by Virginia Wiltse and Helen Palmer was first published in the 2009 edition of…

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Nine Lenses on the World is an excellent compilation and arrangement of a master teacher’s work, clearly written from the high side of Lens Five, the Perspective of…

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“The Enneagram is easy to learn but difficult to master.” — Tom Condon

Last year’s Enneagram Journal featured a particularly interesting and provocative essay by Tom Condon entitled…

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Dr. Margaret Smith has written an engaging and ambitious book that goes far beyond the subject of money management to look at how people with different personality types…

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Power is a topic that many people find uncomfortable to discuss, yet the appropriate use of power affects all relationships, especially those between leaders and followers in the…

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I have been gratified by the number of members who have approached me about writing something for Nine Points and look forward to receiving some really interesting pieces over…

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Have you ever tried being left with the feeling that nobody understands you –…

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This article originally appeared on The Enneagram in Business blog ( http://blog.theenneagraminbusiness.com/ )

There is some…

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Abstract: The title “When a Five wants to grow” documents the author’s path of inner work, resulting in an awareness of his inner motivations and his effect on…

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“Levels of Consciousness In speaking of evolution it is necessary to understand from the outset that no mechanical evolution is possible. The evolution of man is the evolution…

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Abstract: This article presents a snapshot of a family in crisis and the author’s spontaneous intervention. It deconstructs the intervention and the father’s perceived personality type through the…

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“The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names.” Chinese proverb

“Say not, `I have found the truth,’ but rather, `I have found a truth.'”…

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Abstract: Using the diagram as its integrating device, this article embeds the framework in its ancient lineage and offers a broad synthesis of its rich and multidisciplinary heritage.…

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Abstract: This study examined the validity of an integrated typology that combines the nine Enneagram types with the four attachment styles. Attachment styles are derived from research on…

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Abstract: This article reports on a research study that investigated the Enneagram through the lens of depth psychology. A review of the literature on archetypes, which are universal,…

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“The first duty of love is to listen.” — Paul Tillich

Intrapersonal listening is about listening to ourselves. When we learn to listen to ourselves from a non-judgmental,…

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“Love the child in front of you, not the one in your mind.”

I don’t remember where or when I first saw this quote, but I have never…

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The title of Susan Rhodes’s book clearly announces both the focus and the scope of her project. The author is taking aim at what she perceives to be…

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