Before describing the Pre-Conference Day session I’d like to share what I learned at Ken Wilber’s 2013 Conference. The initial impression was seeing over 400 international participants get themselves up…
Urge and urge and urge, Always the procreant urge of the world … — Walt Whitman
Think the world is going to hell? Tired of the same old left/right, good/bad, yes/no…
Presentation of the validation of typing process of the Australian Institute for Enneagram Studies: 1) An overview of the Enneagram as taught by the Institute, 2) Presentation of the results…
Just as Homer’s Odyssey tells a parallel story of homecoming that is found within Enneagram teachings, Dante’s epic poem, The Divine Comedy, offers a great deal of insight into the…
The future of leadership development will not be about building “horizontal capability” that is, the skills, abilities and behaviours needed to lead others. Rather, on how to learn, grow and…
The goals of spiritual psychotherapy are to identify with one’s Higher Self rather than the ego, to accept 100% responsibility for yourself and your life and to practice non attachment.
In Hollywood films, it is the exception, rather than the rule, for movie characters to be explicitly written and performed true-to-type-Enneagram type, that is. It is even less common to…
In Great Expectations Charles Dickens offers us one of the great literary examples of the success story, the classic Type Three story genre. Through observing the central character Pip’s strivings…
This session will provide a quick, efficient download of integral theory, the school of philosophy that seeks to integrate all of human wisdom into a radically inclusive worldview. Integral theory…
Part of each human being’s path and struggle is the need to overcome obstacles so we can move our work and life forward with deliberate action. If we are growing…
Comparing the Enneagram and Schulz von Thun's Psychology of Differential Communication Results in a New View of the Symbol
What would it mean to you if you were to realize that two different personality systems were independently developed in different languages, different times, in different cultures, and that these…
Each type has its own particular energy. Easy to say, not always so easy to feel! And yet, experimenting with the specific flavour of one’s energy is a tremendous awakening…
The Journey Up the Levels of Development in Addiction Recovery
Addiction Recovery, the Enneagram and the important role of the Three Instincts
This workshop addresses the primary issues each Type must navigate to move up the Levels of Development to successful sobriety and an addiction-free life. Of great importance, and often not…
Through this panel of ex-cons, you will hear former inmates’ accounts of personal transformation thanks to the Enneagram.
We are all in a prison of our own making in the ways…
Contemporary American architecture (from 1890 to the present day) can be defined in terms of three architects whose distinctive buildings represent a uniquely American character: Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), Louis…
The enneagram and Ken Wilber’s Integral Operating System both offer powerful tools for transformational change. As part of the research for my new book, The Integral Enneagram, I noticed that…
Adolescent girls are a special population in and of themselves, but when working with girls who are in foster care due to a history of abuse or neglect, there are…
Building off of the 2012 IEA Annual Conference’s session on “The Enneagram as Universal OD Translator,” this session will…
Ever want to do more and feel exhausted by doing too much all at the same time? The Enneagram offers a logical way to understand this dilemma. 360 Presence illustrates…
How is the Enneagram an integral gift in the hope of eliminating violence in society? What does the Enneagram teach us about the greatest force that every person is challenged…
The mindfulness practice of yoga gives us the opportunity to experience ourselves at a deep energetic level and to understand, integrate and heal our minds, bodies and spirits. This class…
The connections between the Enneagram and the Integral Theory. Making the Enneagram even more complete: All Types, All Quadrants, All Levels.
Part I – The Illusion of Reality: Dreaming Existence
A church has stood atop the hill in Chartres France since the 4th century, and even before that, it was considered to be a special place by druids and celtic…
The Coming of Wisdom with Time
Applying Enneagram Theory and Practice to the Emerging Field of Transpersonal Gerontology
Like it or not, 2011 ushered in the advent of “senior citizenship” for the first wave of “Baby Boomers” (born 1946-1964). Thus it seems appropriate to offer a workshop that…
Human emotions add spice to life, nuance communication and enliven daily routine. Our feelings are a sixth sense. Evolving as essential survival tools, emotions are often problematic in contemporary life.…
Sex and love–two topics that are rarely discussed yet rule lives when kept in the shadows. Join Dr. Deborah Ooten and Beth O’Hara in an exciting, transformative and multidimensional exploration…
Personal and professional growth and development need not be complicated. While the Enneagram is a map of the psyche with many facets, it is possible to present the Enneagram in…
The Manifesting Dynamic
The 9 Domains and 9 Design Principles For Collective Intelligence and Prosperity
We are at a critical shift point in human history. We hang in the balance, socially, economically, environmentally, spiritually, because we have disconnected from our personal and collective intelligence and…
Integral Cafe
ADIEWA Practices for Embodied Experiences of Enneagram Truths: Working through Contractions and Shadow and into Spiritual Growth
Opening to whom we truly are can require working through, not separating from, contractions from our true nature described by the Enneagram. Whether contractions arise in ongoing shadow and reactivity,…
Guiding the 9 Types to Change
Using the Enneagram Types and Tritypes(R) in Coaching and Psychotherapy
Learn how to use Tritype as a model for personal growth. Discover what each Enneagram Type revealed they need to feel supported in a therapeutic setting. Avoid common mistakes coaches…