Many Enneagram teachers, authors, and students mention the term Fourth Way in their conversations and writings. However, rarely is this term actually defined, except for brief references to the teachings of…
The Coming of Wisdom with Time
Teaching the Enneagram to Lifelong Learners
at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
Though leaves are many, the root is one;
Through all the…
“You don’t pay love back, you pay it forward.”
–Lily Hardy Hammond
Most books and articles about the Enneagram have to do with theory, applications, and history. Few are about…
Never in our lifetimes has there been a period when the entire world is united in facing the same threat. Nothing in the universe happens by chance. At least that’s…
In the 1945 French film Children of Paradise there is a pivotal moment when all seems lost. The story concerns a love triangle set in a theater company involving a…
The IEA recently hosted an online workshop focused on the instinctual biases and subtypes. It was a wide-ranging conversation with Russ Hudson, Peter O’Hanrahan, Beatrice Chestnut and me, and while…
As an acupuncturist who is also an Enneagram teacher, I’ve found myself uniquely positioned to study how the ego plays a central role in health. I…
I’m intrigued by the parallels among the Bible story of the Israelites turning away from the true God and fashioning a false idol in the…
If you’re on Instagram today, perhaps you’ve seen it—not the ads for the next big DTC brand or…
Sex – it can carry us on wings of pure sensual pleasure, or crush and humiliate us. It can take us from the sacred…
What is the deep purpose of working with the Enneagram?