Is it possible to type children? What are the precautions? What do parents and adults in general need to know to make typing helpful rather than harmful? What can children tell us adults about these matters/issues? And how does knowing type affect relationships? In this first IEA panel of children of the nine types, we will explore how children can know their type, how they use it in their lives, what advice they have for parents and peers in matters of type, and especially how its use can affect their lives.

David Daniels, M.D. is a clinical professor of Psychiatry at Stanford University and co-author of The Essential Enneagram. Dr. Daniels has taught the Enneagram worldwide for over thirty years and with Helen Palmer since 1988 through the Enneagram Professional Training Program. He brings extensive knowledge of the Enneagram to individuals, couples and groups, and to clinical practice and the workplace. www.authenticenneagram .com ,

David Daniels


2003 IEA Global Conference

Santa Monica, California, USA