The more that we are grounded in a solid self-concept and motivated by self-confidence, the more of ourselves and our presence we can bring to our roles as leaders and coaches. Leading is about envisioning a better future and believing with every fiber of our being that we have the inner strength and integrity to make this future come true by way of personal mastery. Coaching involves bringing about a shift in who people need (want) to be and what they need to do to expand their choices, make effective decisions, and achieve meaningful results. When we are aligned with our values – generalizations about what is important to us – we build up a positive database of experiences to support a healthy self-concept. We can enhance our self-concept and make it more assured by building new desired qualities into our identity or by transforming undesirable characteristics into their positive opposite. To enhance our self-concept, we may first need to alter negative experiences in our database that would resist our expanded identity. In this workshop we will learn how combining specific NLP practices with the Enneagram’s map of cognitive and emotional schemes contributes to more resourceful leadership and coaching styles grounded in a healthy self-concept – how we think about ourselves. This will involve transformative, guided self-discovery exercises, including change practices, and group interaction.

Jerry Wagner, Ph.D. is the author of the Enneagram Spectrum of Personality Styles: an Introductory Guide; the Wagner Enneagram Personality Style Scales (WEPSS); and Two Windows on the Self: The Enneagram and the Myers-Briggs. Jerry has been researching and teaching the Enneagram for over 30 years and has offered the Enneagram Spectrum Training and Certification Program for the past 10 years: www.enneagramspectrum.com. Jerry is on the faculty of the Institute of Pastoral Studies and the department of psychology at Loyola University, Chicago. He is a clinical psychologist with a psychotherapy practice in Evanston, Illinois, and is a founding member of Faith Based Consulting, a consulting group to not-forprofit organizations.

Jim Armstrong, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist who practices as an executive coach, therapist and management consultant. He has focused on integrating the Enneagram and NLP in his practice and professional programs for 20 years. He is a faculty member at Loyola University, Chicago, and Presidio World College, an MBA Program in Sustainable Management in San Francisco, California. He has coached and consulted for major corporations in the energy, health care, manufacturing, communications, and airline industries in the US and Latin America. He is a graduate of the Newfield Network Coaching and Organizational Change Program.

Jerry Wagner
Jim Armstrong


2005 IEA Global Conference

San Francisco, California, USA